Protecting Your Children from Sexual Predators
More than one million American families reported cases of sexual abuse in 2000. The perpetrators of these acts come in all shapes and sizes...
Dr. Baker has served as an expert witness for both defense and the prosecution in cases involving trauma, child sex abuse, domestic violence, childhood depression and child treatment. She has also testified in cases involving post traumatic stress disorder in both children and adults.
She has provided judges, attoneys and law enforcement with training in the assessment of post traumatic stress in children and adults and in conducting sexual abuse interviews with children.
Dr. Baker provides full psychological assessments particularly in the areas of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and sexual abuse and for assessing psychological damage in personal injury cases.
Dr. Baker has also prepared well-researched power point presentations for attorneys, law enforcement and other related professionals in the areas of:
Dr. Baker can create an archive of mental health research in any topic of interest.
For a consultation, contact Dr. Baker at 303.790.5585.