Category Archive: ‘ Post Traumatic Stress Disorders’

What Should Parents be Telling Their Children About the Tragedy in Aurora, Colorado?

This article gives parents a guide in understanding how children view death, from preschool to adolescence. Practical guidelines are offered for parents on how to talk to children about death and violence through a developmental perspective. This article offers parents a list of activities they can do with their children to help them understand death.

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Childhood Sexual Abuse

The majority of children who are vicitms of sexual abuse display symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder, however not all children who have been exposed to sexual abuse develop post traumatic stress disorder. Other diagnoses share similar symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder such as Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity, Bipolar Illness, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorders. It is therefore critical that mental health professionals do a thorough job of collecting the necessary information to make an accurate diagnosis.

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